school tours draft
Kilchreest National School Policy on School Tours.
- It is the policy of Kilchreest National School to have school tours to places of educational and historic interest alternating with an activity based tour on a 2 year basis.
- The tour generally takes place every year towards the end of the school year.
- All children will be given the opportunity to go.
- The tour generally is within the school day.
- Tour destinations are on a 4 year basis.
- Information regarding the tour is communicated to parents in the weeks preceding the tour and deposits are taken.
- Tour money must be collected in advance. Each teacher is responsible for the collection of his/her class – receipts can be given when requested. All money is given to school secretary and stored in safe.
- Pupils are informed that conduct on tours should be the same as that expected on any school day.
- Safety is emphasised before and during the tour.
- There is no obligation on any pupil to go on the tour.
- Teachers will travel with pupils from their own lasses.
- School tours for both Junior and Senior classes on same day.
- Contact number will be given to parents in case needed and teachers will bring parents numbers in case they need to be contacted.
- Seatbelts must be worn on bus.
- Children are encouraged to bring a healthy lunch and only 2 small treats.
- No mobile phones or money allowed.