Newsletters January 2018
January 2018
January Newsletter
Dear Parents & Guardians,
I would like to wish you and your families a very Happy New Year. Please find below a list of recent and upcoming events.
Congratulations: On behalf of the whole school community I would like to extend our sincere congratulations to Ms. Hayes and her husband Francis on the birth of their baby daughter Aoibhín. Aoibhín was born on the first of January and it was a fantastic way in which to greet 2018.
Junior Infant, Niamh Davison: Prior to Christmas we got the news that Junior Infant student Niamh Davison had taken ill. Niamh had a serious operation over the Christmas period and thankfully she has come through it. Niamh is on the road to recovery and we ask that you continue to remember Niamh and her family in your prayers.
New Staff Member: We welcome Ms. Murphy as 3rd and 4th class teacher for the remainder of the school year. Following interviews for the post in November Ms. Murphy was the outstanding candidate and we are delighted to have her on staff.
Table Quiz: Our annual inter-schools fundraising Table Quiz will take place on Thursday 18th January 2018 at 7:15pm in the Meadow Court Hotel. The quiz is open to children from 3rd – 6th class and tables of 4 cost €20. We will need some assistance on the night, so if you are available, please let the class teacher know by writing a note in your child’s diary. This is always a great evening for the children and a good fundraising event for the school. We welcome your support and assistance.
Reading World Cup: Our annual Reading World Cup is under way at the moment for children from 1st – 6th class. This is one of our initiatives to promote reading in the school. We would encourage you to read to your children and listen to them read as often as you can.
Tin Whistle: Tin whistle lessons will re-commence on Tuesday 16th January with Yvonne Barrett. Prices for this term are €20 for 1 child; €35 for 2 children and €45 for 3 children.
Swimming Lessons: The letter with the details about this year’s swimming lessons for the children from 3rd-6th class went out earlier in the week. The letter is to be returned by Monday 15th January. To comply with our school policy and child protection guidelines, we require a male and female parent to be present to assist with supervision in the dressing rooms.
Christmas Concerts: I would like to congratulate and commend the children for their performances at this year’s Christmas concerts. I would also like to thank the teachers for preparing the children so well. We were delighted to welcome you to the school to see your children perform.
Catholic Schools Week takes place from January 28th to 3rd February. The theme for Catholic schools week this year is: ”Catholic schools called to be a family of families”.
Cold and Flu: The HSE has issued guidelines to assist with managing the current flu season. Parents are advised to visit the following link for advice: As per HSE advice please do not send your child to school with flu symptoms.
Galway Jersey Auction: I would like to thank all those who bid on the signed framed Galway jersey prior to Christmas. The winning bid of €250 was placed by Adrian Naughton and we thank him for his contribution.
Parish Bazaar: On behalf of everyone in the school I would like to thank the Parents Council for organising the annual fundraising Raffle and Cake Sale at the Parish Bazaar and also to thank everyone who supported same. The amount of money raised was €1,119.06.
Dates for your attention:
– Staff meeting Wednesday 17th January – children go home at 12:30pm. Buses will run as normal on all half days.
– Mid-term break Thursday 15th and Friday 16th February.
If you have any queries in relation to any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above number.
Yours sincerely
Francis O’Connor